Download Powershell 5 Macbook Pro

Sudo yum install /path/to/powershell.rpm If all goes well, PowerShell should now be installed on your system. How to Install PowerShell on a Mac To install PowerShell on a Mac, just double-click the downloaded.pkg file. It will launch a package installer and install PowerShell like any other application. Did you know you can run PowerShell on macOS and Linux based operating systems? PowerShell Core supports macOS 10.12 and higher. I just wanted to let you know and it’s very easy of course you need to know what are you are doing. I don’t know how many Zambian IT folks run macOS. Free download PowerShell PowerShell for Mac OS X. PowerShell Core is a cross-platform automation and configuration tool/framework that works well with your existing tools and is optimized for dealing with structured data (e. Last December, Microsoft released the new AZ PowerShell module, and since then, that is the recommended way to connect to Microsoft Azure using PowerShell. When using MacOS and Linux, the PowerShell Core 6.x is the minimum requirement for that new module. Over the years, there have been many releases of PowerShell. Initially, Windows PowerShell was built on the.NET Framework and only worked on Windows systems. With the current release, PowerShell uses.NET Core 3.1 as its runtime. PowerShell runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms. PowerShell Core is an Open Source project on.

Powershell-Download 5.1, 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0

PowerShell version 5.1 (January 2017) is now available in final form for our greatest happiness.

The program of festivities many new features such as workflows, web console (PowerShell Web Access), the graphic editor with intellisense ISE and increased execution speed as compared to previous versions.

Supported OS: Windows Server 2008 SP2 (32 and 64 bit), Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and Windows 7 SP1. Of course this version is part of Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8 (Windows 8 RT included).

WMF 4.0 actually includes a bunch more than just PowerShell 4.0, but most will be downloading this latest release specifically for the new cmdlets and functionality that PowerShell 4.0 offers. However, here's everything that is included in WMF 4.0:

  1. Windows PowerShell
  2. Windows PowerShell ISE
  3. Windows PowerShell Web Services
  4. Windows Remote Management (WinRM)
  5. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
  6. Server Manager WMI provider
  7. Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)

Download WMF 4.0 here: Windows Management Framework 4.0 P.S. WMF 4.0 also requires Microsoft .NET 4.5 be installed first. You can get that here: microsoft .net framework 4.5

Older Version of Powershell>

Download Powershell 1.0 for windows XP.

you can go for powershell 2.0 for XP.
PowerShell version 2.0 shipped with Windows 7 and with Windows Server 2008 R2, The release of PowerShell 2.0 with Windows Management Framework on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008. I just want the new PowerShell. link saying PowerShell 2.0 was available for XP.
You MUST manually uninstall powershell 1.0 for 2 to install correctly. if you try to uninstall powershell 1.0 from add remove programes (show updates), I get message this: What is the impact of removing those two KB updates ? If Windows Powershell (TM) 1.0 is removed , these programs might not run properly. Do you want to continue ? Windows Powershell (TM) 1.0 MUI pack Security Update for Windows XP KB971633 Security Update for Windows XP kB973346
It is OK to ignore that. I think the impact is negligible.

Download PowerShell 2.0 Community Technology Preview (CTP)

So you want to be the first on the block to start working with PowerShell 2.0 CTP? Here is the information regarding the Technology Preview release and links (bottom of page) to download.

From the Microsoft Site:

Brief Description

Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP introduces several significant features to Windows PowerShell 1.0 that extends its use, improves its usability, and allows you to control and manage the Windows environment more easily and comprehensively.


Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP introduces several significant features to Windows PowerShell 1.0 that extends its use, improves its usability, and allows you to control and manage the Windows environment more easily and comprehensively.
  • This software is a pre-release version. It will not work the way a final version of the software does. Features will change before final release.
  • The goal of this CTP release is to provide a preview to the community on early thinking and direction on key 2.0 features and get early feedback on them.
  • Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP release is compatible with and replaces Windows PowerShell 1.0. You must un-install PowerShell 1.0 to install the PowerShell 2.0 CTP release.
  • Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP release will continue to use the execution policy setting of PowerShell 1.0, if present. PowerShell 1.0 installer does not remove or change the execution policy on un-installation.
  • PowerShell 2.0 Remoting features will not work correctly on Windows Vista RTM. Please install Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) Beta to enable PowerShell Remoting features.
  • When Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP is launched with an execution policy of “Restricted,” it will display an error message while loading the types and formatting files. To prevent this error message, change the execution policy to one that enables PowerShell’s scripting features – such as RemoteSigned. For more information about PowerShell’s execution policies, type “Get-Help about_signing”.
  • Graphical PowerShell is a very early alpha version meant for previewing early thinking and getting feedback.
  • PsJobs rely on the remoting features of Windows PowerShell 2.0. To use PsJobs, remoting must be enabled on Windows PowerShell, even if the PsJob runs only on the local computer.
  • Selected New Features in Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP
    (Please refer to Release Notes and Help topics for more details)

  • PowerShell Remoting
  • Graphical PowerShell
  • ScriptCmdlets
  • Restricted Runspaces
  • RunspacePools
  • Background Jobs
  • Data Language
  • Script Internationalization
  • Script Debugging
  • 24 New Cmdlets
  • Parser Tokenizer API
  • New PowerShell Hosting APIs
  • Metadata APIs for Command and Parameters
  • After you install this product, you might have to restart your computer.

    Download and Install PowerShell 1.0.

    System Requirements:

    • Windows 2003 Server Family w/Service Pack 1 or greater
    • Windows XP w/Service Pack 2
    • Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 (Version 2.0.50727) - Click here to download and install .NET 2.0. For the 64-bit edition click here.

    If you are running Windows Vista and PowerShell RC1 (Release Candidate), PowerShell RC2 is available (English-US edition only) for Vista and Longhorn (server code name for Windows 2008 Server). More Detail available here. Note: You must uninstall RC1 or installation of RC2 will fail.

    VMWare VI Toolkit 1.0 Beta (for PowerShell)

    VMWare launches the beta release of the VI Toolkit. I'm actually excited about this release as I manage a large ESX environment with over 100 VMs. The VI Toolkit provides 102 custom cmdlets written for ESX and VirtualCenter. So what can I do with these new cmdlets?

    Snapshot all of your virtual machines at once with a script like:

    Get-VM | % { New-Snapshot -VM $_ -Name ($ + '-current') }

    Automate long-running tasks like cloning using a script like:

    foreach ($i in 1..30) { Get-Template 'My Template' | New-VM -Name 'Clone $i' }

    Disconnect connected CD-ROM drives (to enable VMware VMotion, for example) using a script like:

    Get-VM | Get-CDDrive | `
    ? { $_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq 'true' } | `
    Set-CDDrive -Connected:$false -Confirm:$false

    Documentation provided:

    • VI API .Net Namespace Reference
    • VI Toolkit Cmdlets Reference

    Documentation location (default install): C:Program FilesVMwareInfrastructureVIToolkitForWindows


    I can't tell you how excited I am about PowerShellASP, but I will... While making the transition from VBScript to PowerShell there were two pieces of functionality that I could not live without; HTML Applications (HTA) and Dynamic .ASP web pages. This functionality allows me to distribute VBScripts wrapped in an application or as a web page. I'm able to (and still do) write code that is utilized by clients who have no scripting or programming background, like my mom!

    Let me show you an example of what an HTA is so that you get a better picture

    HTML Applications

    This is my Server Maintenance HTML Application Tool:

    And here is a snippet of the code behind the scenes, notice that the VBScript code is wrapped in HTML:

    Basically an HTA is Internet Explorer with all the tool bars stripped out, looks just like a windows form application (okay close...).

    What a great way to distribute your VBScript as a simple application. Distributing PowerShell scripts in the same fashion requires a .NET class called the Forms Class (Systems.Windows.Forms). We are starting to see Form editors for PowerShell emerge on the market, the most well know being the AdminScriptEditor(ASE). But what about using PowerShell for dynamic web pages?


    Dynamic web pages require some type of programming language to make them... well, dynamic! The language I use as an administrator is VBScript. Here is a simple web page that allows you to enter a computer name to check that the Anti-virus engine and dats are up-to-date.

    Web Tool I know, not much to look at but it's functional. The point is... I don't have to distribute HTAs or PowerShell Windows Forms all over the place, I can centralize my tools on a website. Administrators in the organization can utilize this page and check their systems. So needles to say I was a bit disapointed that PowerShell was not supported in .ASP. Now that has finally changed and it was not Microsoft who came up with the answer...


    From their site:

    PowerShellASP is an ASP-like template language for Web Applications; templates contain a mixture of markup (HTML, XML or whatever you want to generate) and inline PowerShell code. At runtime, templates/pages are fully translated to PowerShell code and executed as a single unit inside a PowerShell pipeline, with the results sent to the client browser.

    PowerShellASP runs off the ASP.NET platform, implemented as a custom IHttpHandler mapped to *.ps1x files. Because of this, you can mix PowerShellASP pages alongside any ASP.NET application. This provides a great way to leverage PowerShellASP inside your existing applications as needed or you can create complete applications from scratch based only on *.ps1x pages.

    See you in next tutorials!!

    Love Child or Demon Spawn?

    • Install PowerShell on MacOS
    • Execute script file
    • Version Logic: If Then Else
    • Strings
    • Curl

    This article describes the use of PowerShell scripting on Mac and Linux.

    “PowerShell” refers to both the command-line shell and scripting language designed system administration.

    PowerShell is an object-centered “management engine”that can be hosted in an application program.

    • CMD in Windows
    • PowerShell ISE (from Microsoft)
    • PowerGUI
    • SAPIEN Technologies PowerShell Studio
    • Idera PowerShell Pro

    ISE = “Integrated Scripting Environment” is a GUI that providespopup tab completion and other assists.

    PowerShell promises more consistency than the various commands added over time by various parties.

    • It reads Excel files natively as well as JSON, XML, and even ASCII.
    • Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
    • Microsoft System Center
    • IBM, etc.

    Open source on Linux and MacOS

    From the PowerShell and DSC Team YouTube channel:

    This 51-minute series of demos was published Aug 18, 2016, the same dayPowerShell is open-sourced for all OSs at

    This article notes Desired State Configuration for Linux and the promise of SSH support arrived in 2014 (several months before Microsoft open sourced .NET and brought .NET Core to Linux). But “you had to author your scripts on the Windows platform, you had to configure things on the Windows platform and then deliver the desired configuration to a Linux box and have it be configured; now you can do all of that on Linux.”

    Install PowerShell on MacOS

    1. There is a brew powershell as of beta.7:

      brew cask install powershell

      Alternately, click to download the latest release for MacOS at:

      Alternately, get back versions at

      Date File MB Size Space Cmds
      Apr, 2018 6.0.2 on brew 50.8 MB
      Sep 13, 2017 powershell-6.0.0-beta.7-osx.10.12-x64.pkg 50.8 MB
      Sep 13, 2016 powershell-6.0.0-alpha.10.pkg 28.2 MB ? MB 345
      Aug 10, 2016 powershell-6.0.0-alpha.9.pkg 37.1 MB 119.7 MB
      Jul 26, 2016 powershell-6.0.0-alpha.7.pkg 25.0 MB
      Jul 8, 2016 powershell-0.6.0.pkg 24.2 MB
    2. Open the .pkg file in the Downloads folder:
    3. Click Continue, etc.

      NOTE: For Windows: Microsoft Windows Management Framework 5.0

      In and Out

    4. Open a Terminal shell window to launch PowerShell:




      The response is “PS” in front of the file path prompt:

    5. Check the version of PowerShell being used by calling a pre-defined variable:


      PROTIP: With PowerShell, a variable can act like a command.


      QUESTION: What’s the CLRVersion?

      Versions of PowerShell:

      • 6.0 for Mac/Linux in Windows 10 Anniversay Edition
      • 5.0 in 2015 for Visual Studio Code text editor
      • 4.0 in 2014 with Windows 10 and .NET Framework 4.0 and Windows Management Framework 3.0
      • 3.0 in 2012 with Windows 8/Server 2012
      • 2.0 appeared in 2009
      • 1.0 appeared in 2006
      • Monad Manifesto published by Jeff Stover.

      PROTIP: Know the PowerShell commands known not to work on Linux/macOS.

    6. To leave PowerShell, it’s the same as in Bash scripts:


      When you return back in…

    7. Get help information for a command:

      get-help stop-service

    Visual Studio Code Editor

    One text editor built for PowerShell is Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code.

    1. Install Visual Studio Code (see

      choco install visualstudiocode -y

    2. Install the PowerShell add-in to VSCode:

      choco install vscode-powershell -y

    3. Install the PowerShell Editor Services extension by pressing Ctrl+P, then type “ext install PowerShell” for a list of add-ins.

      Ctrl+P is the universal search that also does “fuzzy search” of text in files open.

    4. Click “install” of the extension named “PowerShell”.The icon turns to “installing”.

    5. Open a directory containing PowerShell scriptsand open the File menu and select “Open Folder …”.Select the folder containing your scripts.
      The scripts show up in the Explore tab of the Side Bar.

      PROTIP: One advantage using VS Code is its Side Barenabling you to switch quickly among different files.

      Press Ctrl+B to hide and unhide the Side Bar.

    6. Press Ctrl+ to open a new editor window.

      Up to three editor panes can be open at once.

      Press Ctrl+1, 2, or 3 to switch among the files.

    7. To edit user settings, press Ctrl+Shift+P, then type “user” and press enter.

    8. Click on “powershell.scriptAnalysis.enable”.

    9. Press Ctrl+Shift+&LT;period> to change value from true to false or back again.

    Keith Hill notesdebugging support provided by the PowerShell Editor Services extension currently runs only on Windows.

    Install .NET Core

    PowerShell is written on top of .NET..NET’s previous dependencies on Windows components have been removedin .NET Core.

    PowerShell errors occur if .NET Core is not installed, so:

    1. Go to web page

    2. The web page asks for OpenSSL to be installed.

      On a Mac:

    3. Click the link to download the 50.3MB

    4. Run the installer (for 106.3MB of space).

    5. Before installing anything or running through the update app, hit Command+i or pull down the File menu and choose “Show Files”:

      • ./shared - Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.1 - Runtime
      • ./host - Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.1 - Host FX Resolver
      • ./dotnet
      • ./sdk - Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.1 - SDK

      These are folders within folder /usr/local/share under “Macintosh HD”.

    6. Edit your Bash shell search PATH to include/usr/local/share/dotnet

      atom ~/.bash_profile

      An example:

    7. Open a new Terminal shell window to run:

      The response:

    8. In a PowerShell invoke this to ensure that it can be done:

    Execute script file

    I like using script files rather than typing becauseit allows me to focus on the latest in what is usuallya long string of commands necessary in today’s complex world.

    To call scripts, an example:

    PROTIP: Make sure that when a file with .ps1 extension is clicked from Folder, the script is not launched to run, but that the script appears in a text editor.

    A sample command to invoke the script including an execution policy :

    Notice it’s “powershell” and not “powershell.exe” because Mac and Linux don’t recognize .exe.

    When a script is signed, its location is locked to a specific full directory path, even when it’s in the current folder.

    “remotesigned” is important because if this script has not been digitally signed, one needs to set PS execution policy to “RemoteSigned” (or “Unrestricted”) after reopening PowerShell as an Administrator to run:

    By default PowerShell prevents the execution of PowerShell scripts on Windows systems.

    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

    Get a list of current security settings:

    Get-ExecutionPolicy -List | Format-Table -AutoSize


    ## Verify a signed script can be used #

    1. Set

      Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned

    Install a signing cert on Mac

    To add the CA root certificate (either PEM or DER format) into the OSX global keychain:

    1. Use Finder to navigate to your /System -> Library -> Keychains -> X509Anchors to your own Library -> Keychains.

    2. In a Terminal shell window, run command:

      certtool i mycertificate.crt k=X509Anchors

      Add a “d” at the end for DER format.

    3. Copy your Library -> Keychains -> X509Anchors back to /System -> Library -> Keychains.

      Use sudo.

    Automatic logging

    Increasingly, hackers are using PowerShell to create havoc.

    So it’s a good idea to automatically logging using the start-transcript and stop-transcript commands.

    BLAH: The sample script at,causes errors during execution of scripts.

    Inside the file:

    PROTIP: This can use up a lot of space quickly, so some management of its use is necessary.

    Version Logic: If Then Else

    I haven’t found a way to have a Bash script that can also be run as a PowerShell script.

    PROTIP: Switching from Bash to PowerShell means a one-time migration and there is no turning back unless you want to maintainparallel scripts.

    This is largely because of differences in if/then/else coding. The same if/then/else syntax in PowerShell scripts for Mac and PC is needed for the same script file to be used.

    On Bash:

    The question is whether a single PowerShell script can reallyrun on both Mac and Windows. Do a parallel run.

    For different actions in PowerShell according to type of operating system:

    NOTE: Because braces define actions, there is no “end if” (“fi”) in PowerShell.

    Comparison Operators

    -eq / -ne / -ge

    -Like / -NotLike wildcard string - $name -Like “*sh”

    -Match / -NotMatch regular expression - $name -Match “sh$”

    -Contains / -NotContains a value in array - $name -contains “jo”

    -In / -NotIn Is a value in an array - “joe” -in $name

    Logical operators



    -Xor = Logical exclusive or.

    Tilde and Providers

    PROTIP: Use $home instead of the tilde (~)in PowerShell because tilde does not always represent the the user’s home folder as in Linux.This is because PS has different“providers” that include HKLM and HKCU top-levels in the Windows Registry.Get a list of providers and disk space:


    The response:

    PowerShell calls files “items” as a term that groups files with registry keys and variables.

    returns the Mode and LastWriteTime of the user.

    Instead of “mkdir” to create folders, use


    To list files in a folder, it’s the same as in Bash:

    ls -al

    PowerShell cmdlets (command-lets) enables computers to be managed from the command line,much like Bash shell scripts on Linux machines.How many are there?


    Handling secrets

    PROTIP: Files containing secrets, such as passwords andcertificates are NOT stored in GitHub nor script files, but in a separate location, and backed up among other local files.

    The secrets are retrieved into the script at run-time.

    See my tutorial on GitHub Data Security

    Hash tables

    BTW, keys in a hash table must be unique.

    Hash tables are used throughout PowerShell.

    An example of a REST API call:

    Sort a hash tables using the GetEnumertor():


    Get-Service m* | where {$_.status -eq ‘running’}
    Get-Service m* | where status -eq ‘running’

    The “$_” represents the current object in v2 can handle more complexity than v3 syntax:

    Alias not parameters

    Many Bash commands work in PowerShell (ls, cat, echo) becauseAliases make many commands in Bash scripts work:

    get-alias echo

    The response is “Write-Output”, which is what is executed.

    BLAH: Many parameters to aliases are not recognized. For example, this common command results in an error:

    ls -al

    Instead, use:

    dir -File | format-table

    NOTE: dir is an alias to Get-ChildItem.


    Write-Host $env:computername -foreground Green

    ”–passthru” means do not go through Pipeline.

    You can reset a default alias.

    Environment Variables

    PROTIP: Environment variables defined in Bash scripts can be read by PowerShell scripts and visa-versa.

    Lists of environment variables:

    The command “dir” is an alias of Get-ChildItem.

    Download Powershell 5 Macbook Pro

    For the value of a single environment variable:

    Get-ChildItem Env:USER
    Get-ChildItem Env:AWS_DEFAULT_REGION


    Instead of “rm -rf” in Bash:

    “-WhatIf” specifies a dry-run.

    Combine files

    Ro add the content of several files into a single text file:


    PS has some smarter parameters, such as filtering for files onlyand running recursively into sub-folders:

    dir c:work*.ps1 -file -recurse


    All PowerShell cmdlets follow a standardized verb-noun naming convention that makes it easy to look up, find, and use cmdlets.For a list of all the verbs:


    REMEMBER: Capitalization counts within PowerShell.

    get-command -verb export
    get-command -noun ACL


    Only 25% of cmdlets are shipped with paths.


    Powershell 5.1 Download

    PROTIP: Don’t use “+” for string concatenation.

    .NET Framework members

    Download Powershell On Mac

    Initially built on Microsoft’s .NET Framework, PowerShell can refer to a static .NET member in square brackets with two colons to specify Pi:


    It’s wonderful that PowerShell doesn’t require an echo to display the value of objects.

    To delete a file in the .NET I/O directory object:

    The issue with using .NET objects is that they may execute in a different folder context than PowerShell.

    TODO: $prompt

    Other pre-defined variables

    1. To count the number of cmdlets:

      To get the current folder:

      Alternatively, use (since v2):

      This returns a PathInfo object.

      $scriptDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent


    Based on

    Zip files using functions


    Instead of just parsing text (as *Nix shells do),PowerShell works with objects in a pipeline.


    To list all variables defined and their values:

    Get-Variable | Out-String

    PROTIP: With PowerShell, it’s best to use out-file instead of “>” redirect character:

    dir -file -hidden | out-file -filepath rootfiles.txt

    Error handling:

    Use preference variables for stream redirection:

    1> Success 2> Error 3> Warning 4> Verbose 5> Debug

    NOTE: Can Only merge to the success stream.

    $Error is the automatic array that stores the last 256 exceptions (objects in error) - the default $MaximumErrorCount.

    Error action preferences:

    0 = Silently Continue
    1 = Stop
    2 = Continue
    3 = Inquire
    4 = Ignore [parameter value only]

    Module to call REST API

    This suggests:

    PROTIP: To press the trailing back-tick that breaks up a command into several lines, press the key at the upper left corner of the keyboard with your left hand while you press shift key using your right hand.

    A space character is required before the tick.

    PROTIP: Break up long text into a string block (which Microsoft calls here-string):

    The output is:

    From define a new app. In Permissions tab, select Read-only. Click Update Settings. In Key and Access Tokens tab, click “Create my access tokens”. Copy the Consumer Key (API key) and paste in ~/.passwords as TWITTER_TOKEN.

    It takes many lines to mess with OAuth, so I make use of Adam’s library for Twitter’s v1.1 API described at:

      called “Tweet and send Twitter DMs with Powershell”.

      Adam’s “MyTwitter.psm1” I’ve download had 229 lines on 8/31/2014.

      PROTIP: The “.psm1” extension means it’s a PowerShell module.

      I used a text editor to edit the file to paste in variables for the 4 credentials from Twitter.

      I then saved the module in the same GitHub folder as my script,and added a command to pull the module into the script:

      Alternately, Copy-install the module to your $env:PSModulePath


      PowerShellGet from the Windows PowerShell Framework 5.0

      The alternative is to put the module in the PSModulePath,which enables tab completion to complete the names of commands from modules that are not loaded.

      The module has these functions:

      • Get-OAuthAuthorization
      • Send-Tweet
      • Send-TwitterDm
    2. Paste in your PowerShell script:

      BTW, PowerShell cmdlets in only for use on Windows.

    Trevor Sullivan (@pcgeek86) made a 20:40 video Mar 17, 2016

    A PowerShell Module for manipulating PowerShell ProfilesbyThomas Malkewitz


    curl is an alias for Invoke-WebRequest in PowerShell.

    ## JSON from REST API #

    To extract out a key from the JSON file:

    Profile scripts

    Jeff Hicks notes these profile scripts execute automatically at start:

    To view all profiles:

    $profile | select *

    Folder Script file Script name
    C:Windows System32 WindowsPowerShell v1.0 profile.ps1 AllUsersAllHosts
    Microsoft.PowerShell.profile.ps1 AllUsersCurrentHost
    Microsoft.PowerShellSE.profile.ps1 AllUsersCurrentHost (ISE)
    C:Users<user>Documents WindowsPowerShell or /Users/<user>/ .config/powershell/ Microsoft.PowerShell.profile.ps1 CurrentUsersAllHosts*
    profile.ps1 CurrentUserCurrentHost
    Microsoft.PowerShellSE.profile.ps1 CurrentUserCurrentHost (ISE)
    • = This is the one shown when $profile is typed in.

    API calls

    Corporate IT departments often use Group Policies.

    $Headers = “Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}” echo “Headers=$Headers” # DEBUGGING

    $Token=$GITHUBUSER +’:’+ $SECRETS.GITHUB_TOKEN; $Base64Token=[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([char[]]$Token); $Headers = @{ Authorization = ‘Basic(0)’ -f $Base64Token; }; # -f is for substitution of (0). # See # Write-Host (“Headers=”+$Headers.Authorization) $Headers = “{ Authorization: = Basic $GITHUB_TOKEN }” # -f is for substitution of (0). # See Write-Host (“Headers=”+$Headers)


    1. Stephane shows this command to move (pipe) png files from Desktop to Pictures folder:

      A variable can contain an array:

    Download Powershell For Mac

    More Libraries

    Read in CSV file

    This blog gives an example of importing a CSV file:

    $data = Import-CSV C:scriptsmoviedata.csv

    Download Powershell Mac


    Sorting by date requires creating a new property:

    The new property persists, so can be used this way:

    More on DevOps

    Download Powershell 5 Macbook Pro 2020

    This is one of a series on DevOps:

    1. Packer automation to build Vagrant images
    2. Terraform multi-cloud provisioning automation
    3. Hashicorp Vault and Consul to generate and hold secrets

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    Download Powershell 5 Macbook Pro Case